Angående de danske biskoppers besøg i UK som vi ikke har hørt så meget om?


Suspected Muslim militants kill guest of one of clergyman’s guards in courtyard.
April 21 (Compass Direct) – The latest attack on the Rt. Rev. Ali Buba Lamido, 47, Anglican bishop of Wusasa diocese in Kaduna state, began as the past year’s previous three did: Armed men whom he believes were Muslim militants asked a guard at his home where he was, announcing they were going to kill him.
Not concerned about stealth in heavily Islamic Kaduna state, the attackers fired into the air, then struck the bishop’s workers in the courtyard. This time, last March 10, one of his guard’s guests, Samaila Gandu, was shot dead. Guard James Daso and another worker, Bulus Moses, were seriously injured.

Fra DemocracyFrontline

Er det mon sådanne ting de danske biskopper, der er eller har været på besøg i den anglikanske engelske kirke, får indsigt i? Måske skulle de studere body-guards, skudsikre veste og selvforsvar?

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  1. Ærkebiskoppen af Canterbury’s julehilsen: UK og USA er skyld i forfølgelsen af kristne i muslimske lande « Hodjanernes Blog

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