Det sker samtidig med, at Syriens præsident, Bashar al-Assad, tordnede mod indsættelsen af internationale styrker langs Libanons grænse med Syrien.
– Dette vil være en krænkelse af Libanons suverænitet og en fjendtlig handling, sagde Assad.
Mere på Jyllands-Posten
Ja det forstår man da godt, at han tordner imod. Sålænge det er den libanesiske hær kan Uran og Syrien køre deres fordækte spil, som de lyster:
Hizbullah’s top official in south Lebanon, Sheikh Nabil Kaouk, told reporters in Tyre this week that the group welcomed the Lebanese army’s additional deployment in the south. “Just like in the past, Hizbullah had no visible military presence and there will not be any visible presence now,” he said. “We are helping them with our experience by advising them on the best strategic areas to deploy and the best means of protecting this land from Israeli and US violations.”
Mere på the Guardian
deployment of the lebanese army?,where?,what?,are they with,or againt the hiSSbolah?,you know them as!! the “nice guy’s” handing out lots of $$$$ from uran, to who??,(you got it, y-o-u are g-r-e-a-t). to the muslims ofcause.(who else).