Hvad sker der den dag økofascisternes våde drøm er opfyldt og vi er totalt afhængige af såkaldt ‘grøn’ energi?

The Green-Energy Crunch Comes To The UK—And It’s Not Pretty

Anybody who looks with a critical eye at the madcap push toward increasing amounts of intermittent renewable electricity generation in the U.S. and Europe quickly realizes that eventually, this has to hit a wall.

But when will the crunch come? Theoretically, with 100% fossil-fuel backup, you can keep an electricity system of majority renewables functioning indefinitely, albeit with consumers bearing the unnecessary costs of two fully redundant generating systems.

But then politicians pledge to reduce and then eliminate the fossil fuel backup, and by dates that are rapidly approaching. Backup plants get closed and decommissioned. For how much longer can this really keep going?

Læs om hvordan de hjernedøde politikere er ved at gøre os afhængige af Ruslands naturgas.

Are Low Wind Speeds Behind Britain’s Energy Crisis?

3 Kommentarer

  1. Sjovt nok er Sverige begyndt at starte deres diesel-værker op for at kompensere for tabet af A-kraft værkerne.

    Det er fuldstændigt bagvendt logik!

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