IRAN TOLD HAMAS, HAMAS TOLD THE JORDANIANS, THE JORDANIANS TOLD THE AMERICANS (Washington D.C.) – and the Americans invited the Iraqis to join in to bolster the new government's ministerial positions.Nobody really knows exactly why "anything" but speculation can be reasonably accurate. Might the cash-strapped Hamas have been angling for the $25 million bounty on which to operate?
Or was this a gift from Hamas to the West aimed to potentially reinstate Jordan as the land of the Palestinians as was originally intended long ago and now so feared a possibility – with 60% of Jordanians of Palestinian descent – that Jordan has requested a halt or slow down to American efforts to form a Palestinian State.
Did Iran offer Zarghawi as a precursor to their dubious offer to help the USA in Iraq if the nuclear matter of sanctions were dropped?
Fra Anti-Mullah via IBA
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