With a little help from my friends 23. marts 2007 Nicolai Antisemitisme, Humor, Islam, Israel, Labaner, Muslim World, Oplysning om islam, Palæstina - Libanon 1 Fundet hos LindaSoG TweetPinShare0 Shares
Go Denmark! Help Sweden! Merci! absurd tanken – Gud om Universum veta Iran aldrig nuke Europa om de svära till Stilla eller omfamna full dhimmi liv absurd thought – God of the Universe knows Iran never nuke Europe if they swear to Allah or embrace full dhimmi life . Svar
Go Denmark! Help Sweden! Merci!
absurd tanken –
Gud om Universum veta
Iran aldrig nuke Europa
om de svära till Stilla eller
omfamna full dhimmi liv
absurd thought –
God of the Universe knows
Iran never nuke Europe
if they swear to Allah
or embrace full dhimmi life