The girl, who goes to a Bucks school, has been asked to stop wearing her niqab, a veil that covers the face usually leaving only the eyes visible.
The school is now facing a court battle about whether she can wear the veil and could be left with a £500,000 bill.
The pupil and her dad, who do not want to be named, are taking their case to court through a judicial review next month. The Muslim pupils at the school are allowed to wear a hijab, a scarf which covers the head, but not a full niqab.
Buckinghamshire County Council (BCC), who are responsible for the county’s schools, are in talks with the family and are trying to stop the case going to court. The girl, meanwhile, is having lessons at home. This is being paid for by the school.
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Den sidste retssag i UK tabte den pågældende unge kvinde. Hun blev iøvrigt brugt som frontfigur for gisp-prut-papir. Læg mærke til afpresningsmetoden her. Lad os gøre, som vi vil – eller bliv sagsøgt for 500.000 pund (> 6 millioner kroner).
Forkorter man ‘dhimmi’ skrives det ‘UK’
Islamisternes krybende sharia.